Your one true co-programmer.

Get the true AI programmer with access to real dev workstation.

Get Started

*Free to start. No credit card required!

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AI DevOps
Get AI to provision your dev environment as you like. Create your custom workflows and use AI to streamline or automate them.
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Add/Update Code
You can ask AI to add/update code for you. It will scan through your codebase and make the changes you want. You can view them side by side on your cloud vscode and adjust or commit as you like.
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Analyze Any Codebase
You can ask AI to pull any repo public or private and ask it questions about the codebase. It will go through the codebase and answer your questions.
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“They changed the game”

Less work, more flow.

Your dev workstation and its integration with AI and your could VS code IDE all is setup instantly after your signup.
Best Value


$ 20
Per user, per month
  •  icon=
    $20 GPT-4 credit
  •  icon=
    2 vCPUs
  •  icon=
    2GB Memory
  •  icon=
    30GB Storage
  •  icon=
    VS Code Cloud IDE
Start Trial


Not at the moment. But we are adding capabilities to add more plans with different configurations. And you can upgrade to those plans once they are available.
Not at the moment. But we are assessing the the need for this feature. Please let us know if you need this feature.
Still have unanswered questions? Get in touch